


stray hairs.



all of the things.

I struggled with my skin for a long long time and I remember trying everything... birth control, homemade masks, toothpaste on breakouts, steaming my face over the dishwasher when it was finished, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars for chemical peels, lasers, harsh chemicals and expensive products. I literally have tried it all.

It’s been a journey to say the least. 🙏

My skin was the screaming and the symptoms I knew something wasn’t right... and so I began my obsession with health and wellness for the past 6 years.

The hardest thing about struggling with acne or your skin in general is that you can’t hide it. Even pounds of makeup can’t hide it.

I remember canceling plans and picking at my face until it would bleed and restricting every “bad” food because the fitness coaches at the time had me only eating like 6 different foods, low low fat and calories.

UNTIL — 2017 I decided to unsubscribe from fear in every aspect of my life and that included educating myself about my metabolism and incorporating foods I was afraid of for so long... real milk, real butter, dairy, carbs, coffee, fruit, sugar, etc. BALANCE and upping my calories!

I was certified as a personal trainer in 2017 and I personally worked with trainers for many years... but I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

I do believe our bodies are made to eat all food groups and in moderation of course. Exercise, but don’t overdo it, and if you do then eat more! ENERGY IN = ENERGY OUT. Looking back to when my skin was at its absolute worst, I was only eating about 1500-1600 calories daily. Eggwhites, oatmeal, almonds, rice cakes, chicken, tilapia, rice, vegetables…. than a binge cheat meal (because that makes any sense at all). Lesson learnt the hard way, but I am so glad I found a much easier way to stay in shape, eat what I want, drink enough water daily and my skin has never been happier!

It’s been a few years now but I truly feel like I got my life back. It may sound a little dramatic I know, but there’s no other way to put it.

✔️my skin is better

✔️my brain fog is gone

✔️I’m not shivering and freezing 90% of the time

✔️my energy just wow!!!!

✔️my periods are no longer non existent (yep I lost it at one point)

✔️my digestion is👌🏽 aka no more bloating

✔️& I tossed my old toxic retinols for cleaner skincare products from Monat

I started unlearning/relearning. I’m grateful for those who went before me and shared their knowledge so I could benefit.

I’m not perfect, will never be, and my goal now is consistency. Thanks for being on this journey with me. I’ll always do my best to be better #healthiswealth